It’s a new year, and at Kisoro Kids, that means Annual Meeting time! In January, your Board met to make plans for the upcoming year, and they had to say farewell and thank outgoing to Board members Jeremy Raper and Karen Farlow. Jeremy was unable to attend, and the Board will catch up with him another time, but in deep appreciation, Chris and Kelly presented Karen with a beautiful nativity scene from Uganda (see photo). We cannot thank Jeremy and Karen enough for their service to Kisoro Kids all these years — from the beginning!
Now for some fantastic news: With very little arm-twisting, Karen has agreed to remain on the Board as Treasurer and help finish what she helped start! You can imagine the sigh of relief in that room when she nodded her head and said, “Yes.” Thank you, Karen!
During the meeting, Karen and Susan both presented two potential candidates for the Board to consider, and all members were excited to learn more. Hopefully, these two will agree to join the Board at the next meeting, so stay tuned.
2024 Kisoro Kids Board Members:
Laurie Pallotta, President
Susan Parton, VP/Secretary
Karen Farlow, Treasurer
Jo Brown, Member at Large