COVID has been very difficult for people in Kisoro. There have been prolonged shutdowns that have included the schools. Last year, only 7th graders (the highest grade in primary school) were allowed to attend school to study for their national exams. This year, just as schools were about to re-open, the government reversed their decision and announced a prolonged shutdown. It has been very disheartening for them.

However, the teachers at the schools we partner with are going above and beyond. They have been meeting students
from various grade levels outdoors in small neighborhood groups. Most parents have been unable to pay their school fees. However, Kisoro Kids helped pay teachers through modest direct assistance and through profits from produce sold on the land we provided. To give special thanks to the teachers and their sacrifice, the Kisoro Kids board of directors donated to give the teachers new dresses for the women and shirts for the men. We are told the teachers are very encouraged in spite of their difficult circumstances. These are a couple of the photos of some of the teachers in their new dresses and shirts.

We recently learned that 80% of the 7th grade students passed the national exam!! This is incredible for a pandemic year in a poverty stricken area and was the highest percentage of all schools in southwest Uganda!