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 Land for Teachers 

Funds Raised:
$4,000 / $4,000

Proceeds from this sustainable business will benefit teachers in Kisoro

Quality teachers are a school’s greatest resource! The teachers at the five schools we support earn very low pay compared to local private and government school teachers. They work at these schools because they want to help the very poor and because they want to reach the children and their families for Christ. Most see their job as a ministry. But often, these teachers make the hard decision to work at other schools just to make ends meet for their own families.
To retain quality teachers, school leaders continue to pray for farmland! The volcanic soil in Kisoro is very rich and can be cultivated to produce three crops per year. These crops can include potatoes, beans or sorghum. All profits from this sustainable business will be used to supplement teachers’ salaries!
Kisoro Hill Elementary has already been given 3/4 acre of farmland! The school is now growing their third crop and all proceeds are going directly to Kisoro Hill teachers! With this test program successful, we are starting to raise funds for the next school.
This project includes startup funds for one of the other schools, including the land and the labor and materials needed to produce the first crop. Details will be added to this page, including the school that will benefit, and the location of the land, as they are finalized. We seek to be prepared to fund the purchase once the land is located or becomes available.

The climate in Kisoro helps produce three crops per year

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